Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Way to Love God

By: Rev. Arnel Tan

“”And this world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God you will live forever.” 1 John 2:17 NLT

Loving God brings more clarity to life than confusion. Honestly, it not so difficult to understand when John says “Stop loving the world” rather it is really difficult to accept that loving God means stop loving the world. No one can boast about loving God for all the while we can only respond to love God for God Himself loved us first! To the Apostle John this is crystal clear. If you love God stop loving the world and if you love the world can’t say you really love God.

Rather than seeing this as a dilemma, see this tension as the way to deliverance. A God designed spot where we can honestly examine our hearts and mind. Here we ask and assess our spiritual condition so we can respond to God’s conviction to repent. The dilemma only reveals that our hearts our divided, deliverance from God comes as a result of God’s intervention in our lives introducing us to walk in a love relationship with Him. How can we love God if we have not believe in Him first? Let us understand that more than obeying a rule it is enjoying a relationship.

How to do we love God? We stop loving this world and we start doing the will of God. Meaning it is our passion and priority and our serious pursuit to please God in everything that we do. Doing the will of God is a relationship we enjoy not a project we fulfill. It springs out of our fellowship with God in prayer and in His word. It is in our intimate walk in prayer that we get to know God and God stirs holy hunger in our hearts that we may seek Him more. Seeking and desiring and doing the will of God is the way we show our love to God.

As we walk close to Him we get so interested to please Him in everything. The will of God is for us to believe in His Son, and the will of God is for us to bow down to the will of Father and rely in the power and strength by the Holy Spirit. More than maintaining an image, doing God’s will is actually reflecting a loving relationship that is enjoyed in the heart.

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