Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Thursday, February 3, 2011

“What do these stones mean?”

By: Rev. Arnel Tan

“He did this so all the nations of the earth might know that the LORD’S hand is powerful, and so you might fear the LORD your God forever.” Joshua 4:24

It was not Joshua’s idea to make 12 stones representing the 12 tribes of Israel as memorial for them and the next generation. It was God’s command to Joshua! Why would the Lord give a command like that? For what purpose will these stones serve? Stones are not eloquent yet they speak messages that will grow old with time. Other nations too are erecting their idols made of stone, what’s the difference?

Those stones were not there to be object of worship; they are to serve as reminders for Israel and their children. It’s not only for Israel and their children but the whole nation as well, that they may know that the Lord’s hand is powerful. And for those who know God already that they may fear Him more. Here we see a pattern that God wants His people to observe. First it is for them, that they may fear God. Second it is for their children that they may fear God as well. Third it is for the nations that they may know God by the reverence that God’s people show to their God.

What do these stones mean? It is a reminder for Israel’s FORGETFULNESS of God. It is a rebuke to SELF CENTEREDNESS, and it is a direct assault to whoever thinks that God is exclusively the property of one nation. Here the Lord unveils His design and desire that the focus should not be on self but rather on God. And that Israel must have a different mindset and heart set. A heart for God over and above His blessings is number one, and then a heart for the nations that they may see God’s glory and fear Him.

Those stones are virtual mirrors of man’s self centeredness. I must admit my concern and pursuit in life and my thinking stopped with my children. Seldom I see the needs of my community, seldom do I take seriously that the purpose of God’s extravagant grace is to extend His glory to others. “He did so that all nations of the earth might know….” This is a direct hit to my selfishness. Here God calls me and all of us to ask ourselves why are we blessed? And this should lead us to the answer so that the nations (others) not only our children will know the powerful hand of God.

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