Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pulpit To Pew

The pressure of a busy Christmas is obviously on the loose! To stay calm and worshipful is a continuous challenge for us all. Let us pray this week that God will stir a holy expectation in our hearts to truly become worshippers of Christ . . . the reason for Christmas. Let us focus on Christ as the center of our celebration in church and family as well. Worshiping God is not done solo . . . it is a corporate act of a redeemed community. Therefore, as we come to God’s house on December 21-25 at 5am each morning, we seek to spend time in worship and in prayer.

It is in this season of rush that we choose to hush. Probably the only rush is likened to the shepherds who said . . .” Hurry, let us go to Bethlehem to worship the Lord!” Come to church early, we will open the church doors by 4:00am. Come early so you can spend time in prayer. During the service, focus your minds on God; sing from your heart and offer your prayers . . . and, most of all, take time to be silent and to listen to God. You will not hear an audible voice but you will experience a unique kind of peace that passes all understanding.

Let us come to worship with a welcoming heart . . . expressed with our open hands for others and open hearts to welcome everybody. Let us listen intently to the word as it is proclaimed . . . I’m sure God is trying to say something to you and to all of us. After our time of communion with God, take time to go back to the community as a minister of grace. By the grace of God make a difference and be a blessing to others. Today starts our preparation for a worry-free and worship-filled week. By the way, our regular prayer meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays will still go on because not everyone can come to our early-morning prayer meetings.

As Pastor Jim Bryan Smith says,” Our holy expectation should turn to holy obedience.” Christmas is God’s invitation to worship, to relate to the Father, to experience friendship with the Son and to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and to see the wonderful oneness of the body of Christ in this city of Davao! Come with hope and hunger for God!



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