Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Friday, August 10, 2012


By: Rev. Arnel Tan ". . . Step out of the traffic. Take a long, loving look on me, your High God. Above politics, above everything." Psalm 46: 10 The Message This psalm finds an emotional welcome in many hearts who are in the midst of the noise and complexity of life. So many take time to take notes and in agreement, many wanted to memorize Psalm 46:10. This is good because it will lead to a deeper realization that this Psalm is so impossible to apply without surrendering to God who, alone, can still us from within. To ‘be still and know that I am God’ requires us to ask God to activate the function of our sanctified imagination. Meaning, in prayer, ask God for an image in your mind that will remind you of His command to be still. One painter would picture God's peace in His painting of a terrible storm . . . and in the midst of it, a calm bird resting. What is your picture of ‘be still’. In my busy work in church and broadcast, ‘be still’ for me means being able to unhurriedly enjoy my brewed coffee amidst the demands and pressures of life and ministry. It is being able to set boundaries and accept my limitations. This would mean not taking a tasked that will disrupt the stillness of my heart in communing with God. Let stillness of heart be expressed in the language of prayer. I need to remind myself that my main job in church is to lead people to God, to pray and step out of the way, lest I cause traffic in their ‘stillness’ and pursuit of knowing God. As a redeemed community, we too must enjoy the use of our sanctified imagination and picture what it is to be still and know God. In the midst of our load of ministry, we can have a ‘still’ heart flowing with grace and in God's presence, touching lives of others . . . And those who we encounter are attracted to our unique peace. In quietness of heart, the Lord develops a godly confidence in facing our daily pressures. When we are in prayer as a congregation, it is here that we are most not in control . . . yet it is here that we are consciously close to the One who is in charge. Being still before God is an assault to our pride and busy lives. We would rather do something than be still . . . that's why God commands us to hush, cease striving and bow down to Him, exposing ourselves to His presence in worship and enjoying friendship with Him in prayer. Psalm 46:10 must not only be a therapy . . . it must be a lifestyle that slows us down that we may rest from performance and perfectionism. Being still before God is a royal invitation from God to see things from His perspective. Upon receiving the instruction from God's word, let us exercise a sanctified imagination to picture how this looks like and then let us avail of His grace to apply this into the mainstream of life where stress is overwhelming! Amen.

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