Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pulpit To Pew

By : Rev. Arnel Tan

“Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.” Psalm 27:14 NLT

What’s the difference between waiting for the LORD and waiting patiently for the LORD? I think the first waiting is our response to the circumstances that demands our compliance to wait, while the second waiting is a result of God’s dealing with us in brokenness that now opens a willingness to wait for the Lord. Somehow life is designed by God with many deliberate stops or pauses. We see God’s appointed waiting sheds and from there we gain better perspective and live simple lives of faith.

On the outset to wait upon the Lord leaves us no choice. Like we wait for flights, for the weather to calm down, for our numbers to be called while falling in line at the government office or movie house waiting is a part of existing. Waiting patiently for the Lord is the result of God’s dealing with us in brokenness. Waiting for the Lord is compliance while waiting patiently for the Lord is friendship. It takes brokenness to see this point and more brokenness to appreciate and desire this state of waiting patiently for the Lord.

How long is our waiting time? Honestly, it is difficult to tell or to predict. One is certain the Lord will meet us in this appointed time. It is here that we are confronted with the humbling truth that we are not in control of everything. It is here that we see our helplessness. It is also here that we hear the invitation of the Almighty to cease striving and to slowdown and know God. This is not easy to appreciate but when we learn to wait patiently for the Lord it becomes hunger hard to deny.

The delays and denials are actually preparations for the blessings that God is more than willing to give. Why is it so necessary to be broken before enjoying whatever God wants us to have? Because it is in being broken that we actually learn to savor and truly enjoy God’s blessings. Here God is honored and we are humbled. In waiting patiently our need for grace is so clear, in waiting patiently our dark side is expose and our prayers are intense. It is also in waiting patiently that our appetite for the glory of God and for Him to be glorified grows strong and deep. Waiting, praying, worshipping patiently is now the delight of our souls.

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