Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pulpit To Pew

BY: Rev. Arnel Tan
“Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to get along happily whether, I have much or little.” Philippians 4:11 NLT

The source of Paul’s joy despite the circumstances around him was the fact that he is able to learn contentment. Contentment is not applicable to one’s relationship with God or to one’s spiritual walk; it is best applied to the material world rather than the spiritual journey. It is when we are walking in brokenness that a growing discontent in our lives becomes so strong while a loss of appetite for the temporary is also growing. To learn material contentment we must first learn to be spiritually not content with where we are. As we find such holy dissatisfaction in our spiritual lives we enjoy learning to live above our situations.

Moments or moment of contentment has always been a regular visitor. But we seldom take time to stop and have a chat with contentment. Perhaps too busy, too complicated and too proud to stoop and talk a while. But in some rare occasion contentment moments are enjoyed and there we finally enjoy a deep kind of rest out of an ordinary moment. Sometimes routinely, most often spontaneously we find ourselves not in hurry to finish something. It happens when we can drink a cup of coffee minus the presence of pressure. A time to read a chapter from a book that we have long planned to read, a smile due to a recollection of something pleasant. These are precious moments of contentment that we all need to humbly admit we need to learn and re learn as we go through this journey.

It is actually seeing every moment in the eyes of grace and living each moment under the control of God. Not every moment will be serene and nostalgic and romantic, yet a person who has learned the art of contentment have clearly fixed the boundary of wants and needs. And with the eyes of simple faith he enjoys the mixture of brokenness and blessedness, being full and being empty. Without pretending those who learn contentment admits that life is hard and difficult but in grace they stopped controlling what is not under their control. An authentic Christ like attitude is a result of being under the influence of Christ. Take peek on these lists of the process of leaning contentment:

• We learn contentment by not demanding our way instead we become understanding of others
• We learn contentment by not pretending that we don’t have a need but by becoming willing to adjust to situations God allow
• We learn contentment by not trusting our strength instead availing of Christ’s strength
• We learn contentment by not neglecting other instead affirming their partnership in fulfilling God’s purpose.
• We learn contentment by not forgetting that God is the ultimate supplier of our needs, remembering that others are His instruments.
• We learn contentment by not abusing the kindness of others instead we show gratitude and integrity in grace.
Enjoy the learning moments and enjoy more moments of contentment.

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