Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pulpit To Pew


I sincerely ask your prayers for me at this moment as I preach in Queenstown Baptist Church for two services today. I am doing the same for you as you listen to God’s word through Deacon Jerry Francisco and Pastor Cezil Perales. My week ahead especially in the evenings will be spend on speaking to our Singaporean and Filipino friends, please ask God for grace and wisdom as I do the ministry here.

I am grateful to the Lord for our co workers there in church our Pastors who actively pray and touch lives on the daily basis as they minister to many of you. This past week was a time for hospital visits and comforting others especially those who lost a love one. Please be very prayerful as we do our feeding ministry this week at the Bolton Elementary School, about 30 to 45 kids needs help. As you bring this to prayer see Pastor Bobby Narcisso for details. I think the feeding will start this week July 22-23.

I look forward in seeing you again next week. Lord willing I will be back on Friday for prayer meeting surely I will not miss this event in our church calendar. I am prayerful that the Lord will bring more people who will call upon the Lord during our prayer meetings. Everyday our church is open from 5am to 6pm for those who want to have some quiet moments with the Lord in prayer (just register your name to the guard)). Every morning a pastor is assigned to lead a prayer time 6:30-7:30am and on Wednesday nights we also have our bible study and prayer meeting 6pm.

My heart is with you as you worship today. Again as the Lord reminds you please pray for me here in Singapore. Remember to pray for my family too I will surely miss them this time of temporary good bye. Let us always remember that it always honors the Lord when we call upon His name and His promise remains the same He Himself is near to those who call upon Him in truth (Psalm 145:18).




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