Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pulpit To Pew - Update News


As we begin the month of November, let us do so with our hearts filled with prayers and thanksgiving. Let us not only recall the goodness of God but also make it a lifestyle to give thanks to the Lord. Giving thanks to God honors Him and it also humbles us. Let us be spiritually alert as we sense the many blessings God has given and we enjoyed but have neglected to give thanks for. Believe me, you and I will recall a lot of set-aside items of thanksgiving.

Today, as we worship, let us express it to God. As we listen to His words, let us open our hearts and lower our defensive shields. As we come to God’s table for communion, let us remember that we come as a body, not just as a person. As we partake of the bread and cup, let us transcend our thoughts of being alone with God into becoming a community communing with God. Prayerfully, let us look at Christ and with a still heart let us savor Christ Himself and commune with Him.

Let me also challenge you to pray and seek God’s guidance as we encourage everyone to help us gather more “Our Daily Bread” devotionals to give to 6,000 public school teachers in Davao City. You can purchase the `Our Daily Bread` devotionals at the various Christian bookstores and then hand it over to Pastor Bobby Narciso, our mission pastor, or you can designate a gift marked for this purpose. I would like to reiterate that you should only share after spending some time in honest heart-searching prayer.

Your pastors gather for prayer every Monday. We lock ourselves in the Pastor’s office to pray for you and your prayer requests. We bring them to the throne of grace asking God to intervene for His glory. Please tear the portion of this bulletin marked as prayer requests and drop it into the yellow box in front. Please indicate your email address so we can let you know that your prayer request has been prayed for. This is something we, your ministers, in this church have committed ourselves to do, following the model of Epaphras’ praying that we all will mature in our walk with God, deeply rooted in Christ and His words and abounding in grace and prayer. Please remember us too in your prayers as we pray for you.


Grace be with you all,


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