This past week has been “hectic” for me . . . my speaking schedule piled up. It was only by the grace of God that all went well. Normally, when this happens, I am immediately alarmed about getting into an impulsive mode again. Thank God for the ministry of the Holy Spirit that nudges me to slow down and pray. How quickly I forget what I preach. Thank God for His patience towards forgetful ministers like me. I am refreshed by what Henry Nouwen said “Sometimes we need to disengage, not only from our busy world but also from our busy spiritual disciplines, in order to gain fuel for the journey”. God’s grace is so refreshing that it leads us to Christ and not to what we do for Christ!
It is also here that I paused, and once more, enjoyed a deep drink from the well of God’s grace. Our observance of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, bible reading, fasting, solitude, are means and to an end and not the end itself. I remember the words of our Master “…come to me those who are heavily laden and I will give you rest! (Matthew 11:28). Spiritual rest in grace is accomplished when we disengage from a strict observance of “spiritual disciplines” which subtlely turns into a new form of legalism. Such detachment leads us to find strength in Christ alone!
Like Elijah, a lot of us need to do nothing so we can enjoy nourishing sleep and much needed rest. Then we can go back to the journey fueled and strong! We value prayer as Christ in the scripture values it. But when prayer becomes a badge of a superior spiritual life over others, then prayer is not God-honoring anymore. Let us remember that nothing done in force can produce a living, vibrant spiritual life. I really believe some of you really need to pray, while in grace, others should disengage from it if prayer has become our identity rather than Christ! In a nutshell, “God, your grace still amazes me”
Those of you who are led by God to join us in our prayer meetings, come and pray with us. While those of you who need to find God by detaching from legalistic spiritual disciplines, do so without guilt. Rest and be nourished by Christ Himself. No wonder the throne of prayer is called the throne of grace . . . where people can come boldly and find mercy . . . where the same grace is given for those who just want to do nothing at the throne of grace but just to enjoy rest in Christ!
Disengage from anything that substitutes Christ . . . for nothing should and can take His place in our hearts! When prayer begins to be a legalistic requirement, step back so you may rest in grace!
Yours in Christ,
A Community Church united in CHRIST, believing that He died for our sins, and was buried, raised on the third day according to the Scripture. A church that is called a "House Of Prayer."
Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."- E. M. Bounds
Friday, October 28, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
What if God is Silent - Part2
Now it would be according to the will of God today, that every one of us should reach some measure of desperation, concerning the huge gap between God and us. How do close that gap? Desperation to God’s attention, desperate for God to work within you, like David's lament to God’s silence. I believe the divine will of God today that every one of us would be desperate to have an encounter with the presence of our Lord. We all know that encounter with God would require brokeness from our very being.
What if God is Silent - Part1
The only problem of knowing the future is that, it makes us think that it’s going to happen tomorrow with no inconveniences in our lives. Everybody wants a prophecy, everybody wants to know what’s ahead whether in our career, in our family, what’s ahead in whatever we are doing. But the problem is, if God shows us His plans in order to get there, if God shows us the process in order to get there, many of us would ask God for an alternative based on our own liking.
Lessons from the Wilderness - Part2
Remember that God is gracious not because we deserve it. In Deuteronomy 9:4-6 4 “After the Lord your God has done this for you, don’t say in your hearts, ‘The Lord has given us this land because we are such good people!’ No, it is because of the wickedness of the other nations that he is pushing them out of your way. 5 It is not because you are so good or have such integrity that you are about to occupy their land. The Lord your God will drive these nations out ahead of you only because of their wickedness, and to fulfill the oath he swore to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 6 You must recognize that the Lord your God is not giving you this good land because you are good, for you are not—you are a stubborn people”. Let it sink, are you blessed? Grace is the name of that blessing. Overwhelming what? Grace and yet our response is complain.
Lessons from the Wilderness - Part1
In order for us to become a people, a person, a church, a family, a couple that pleases God, there’s a requirement, God must put us in a journey, in a big process by which pleasing God will not only by mouth but pleasing God is both confidence that it is possible and at the same time humility to admit that it’s not possible without God’s grace. After we admit that it is not possible then the Lord straightens us.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Straight From My Heart
I regret that I cannot be with you this Lord’s day because of my commitment to preach during the observance of Mission Sunday in which DXFE was invited to present our ministry. I am thankful that Pastor Cezil will take my place. This is also timely so I can take a little rest from my preaching duties (a delight). Let me share some highlights regarding my physical condition. I am thankful to God for He granted favorable results regarding my blood tests. My blood sugar level is ok, thank God!, but my uric level and SGPT is high. My doctor, (Dr. Dey Brato), asked me to do some diet maneuvers to keep things balanced, and I need to take daily maintenance for my blood pressure. I am thankful to the Lord for this grace, and for all of you who prayed and gave encouragement to me. Let us continue to pray for each other.
For those who are interested for water baptism, please approach any of our pastors for information . . . they will gladly assist you. Always remember that being baptized, though not a requirement for salvation, is a serious spiritual decision, therefore, it must be prayed for and not be taken lightly. It is my prayer that the Lord will guide you with His peace as you decide on this matter. If you need any guidance, again, please feel free to approach any of our ministers.
Let me also thank you for your generous hearts for your prayer and support for the flood victims of the two typhoons in Luzon. Let us also thank God for the leadership of Rev. Arsenio Chan Jr. for leading our brethren in Bulacan as they minister to about 30 families. I am confident that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. The Lord seems to lay a special burden in our hearts for the community . . . let us continue to abound in this grace. Lastly, I am praying that all of you will have a chance to be with us in our prayer meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays, 6pm. Join us as we gather together to call on the name of the Lord! Don’t forget last Sundays message regarding the lessons in the wilderness. I am confident that the Lord will remind all of us of B. A. G.
The Lord is near when we call on Him in truth!
For those who are interested for water baptism, please approach any of our pastors for information . . . they will gladly assist you. Always remember that being baptized, though not a requirement for salvation, is a serious spiritual decision, therefore, it must be prayed for and not be taken lightly. It is my prayer that the Lord will guide you with His peace as you decide on this matter. If you need any guidance, again, please feel free to approach any of our ministers.
Let me also thank you for your generous hearts for your prayer and support for the flood victims of the two typhoons in Luzon. Let us also thank God for the leadership of Rev. Arsenio Chan Jr. for leading our brethren in Bulacan as they minister to about 30 families. I am confident that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. The Lord seems to lay a special burden in our hearts for the community . . . let us continue to abound in this grace. Lastly, I am praying that all of you will have a chance to be with us in our prayer meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays, 6pm. Join us as we gather together to call on the name of the Lord! Don’t forget last Sundays message regarding the lessons in the wilderness. I am confident that the Lord will remind all of us of B. A. G.
The Lord is near when we call on Him in truth!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Living Free From People Pleasing - Part2
If you are a man pleaser these are your favorite word is duty. Try giving flower to your wife on your anniversary and say it is your duty believe me things will change. Second, the cousin of duty, obligation, to those of you who are in mission there’s this mission policy, how many commandments are there? Third, indebtedness oh the Orientals are good at this. Fourth is restriction, and fifth is subservience. These are the words that rule your life. A lot of factors that contributes to our men pleasing tendency and sometimes you have to listen to your critics because maybe they are right. The issue is not about doing what is right but doing it for a wrong reason.
Living Free From People Pleasing - Part1
Whenever you hear God’s Word and come to God’s church and worship with God’s people you go home instead of being peaceful you go home disturbed because the sermon disturbed you. Rejoice and be glad because this is one proof that God’s Word is not staying in your mind it is sinking down into your heart. Without that struggle you just heard something but when struggle is there because it’s beginning to sink in because you find it no longer easy. The more you look at God’s Word easy, peanuts, it’s not sinking but the more realize, Oh Lord how can I do this.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Becoming The People That Truly Loves God - Part2c
Fun is also holiness when you have fun serving the Lord, when you have joy serving the Lord, when your joy is bubbling. When there’s excitement in preaching, excitement in singing and excitement in feeding. What distinguishes us from the world is our holiness and joy. The more you love God, the more that you are not pressured to have the things of the world, you know what’s the result of that? Fun! To have a new gadget is not bad, enjoy your new gadget but more than that you still enjoy and love God.
Becoming The People That Truly Loves God - Part1c
Today, we conclude on the series of the subject, becoming a person that loves God, Part2. When a person influences another person and they become a people who loves God. Before you ask what is God’s will, I think the question is, do you love God? When you talk about God, you should have in mind the three persons of the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Last Sunday, we reminded the church why we should not love the world. This day is the conclusion of all the discussion. May I say, as a result of God loving us first, we can now respond to love Him.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
BecomingThePeopleThatGodLoves - Part2b
How many of you believe that when you pray, God is not far but near? In fact the Psalmist said “the Lord is near” that Lord speaks of the Triune God, the Lord is near to all who call upon Him in truth. I think you missed a lot when you only pray for your necessities, this is so true that God answers prayers, but you miss a point if prayer is only limited to these things and you are not enjoying the fellowship of the Triune God. Brothers and sisters, you are really praying if you no longer focus on the blessings. I would say that if your prayer is only focused on blessings, then the worlds crept in to your prayer.
BecomingThePeopleThatGodLoves - Part1b
Loving God is possible because He initiated it. If God did not love us first the more we won’t know how to love God. Shall I also say this, the more we will never have an interest at all to love anybody aside from ourselves. It takes God to love us so that we would love Him back. However, it is academic that if you choose one thing you have denied another. If you love God you would technically say “I don’t love the world” when I say world we mean the system of the world, we mean the system that defies God, a society that inflates self worship and the search for self significance.
Straight From My Heart
by: Rev Arnel Tan
As God leads us to communion with Him in solitude we begin to see our true spiritual condition. It is in this state that we are confronted by our great spiritual poverty; it is also here that we receive God’s invitation to feast on His word and find great rest in prayers. As we learn to relax in Christ, the more we yearn to listen to His voice and depend on the Holy Spirit to obey His will. Let us not be distracted with other things that lead us to drift away from waiting on Him in prayer.
The following months ahead are most challenging . . . we are called to be more intense and desperate in our seeking God in prayer. It is also in praying that we get our instruction to do what is next. So far we have begun to cross the Jordan . . . we have agreed to obey God in rebuilding the church so we can have a welfare center for the community. Let us pray for the next step. Remember, no one is in a hurry. In prayer, we take it one step at a time. I ask you to join us in fervent prayers so we can always find ourselves depending on God. In our corporate prayer meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays and daily morning prayer meetings, we call on God to lead us. Lead your household to pray for the welfare center and the rebuilding of God’s house.
Remember in prayer Pastor Bobby Narciso and Pastor Judy Leones for their trip to Chang Rai and Burma to visit Jethro Adang and to see what God is doing there. Let us also pray for our services today and that God will touch our hearts and lead us to a deep hunger for His word that we may know how to obey His will. Let us remember in prayer our brethren in Luzon who have been badly hit by the typhoon. Let us also find ways to extend help to them as God opens the opportunity. As we worship and celebrate communion today, let us enjoy once more a unique kind of solitude with the community of the redeemed. Here, we are reminded of Christ as our sufficiency and being broken as He was broken for us . . . a pathway of blessing to knowing Christ more. Amen

"Dear God, Let your children hunger and thirst after Your righteousness. Let Your Word refresh our soul, rebuke our nature, recreate our being and renew a steadfast spirit that longs after Thee, be glorified in our lives today oh GOD. In Jesus name, Amen!"
by: Rev Arnel Tan
As God leads us to communion with Him in solitude we begin to see our true spiritual condition. It is in this state that we are confronted by our great spiritual poverty; it is also here that we receive God’s invitation to feast on His word and find great rest in prayers. As we learn to relax in Christ, the more we yearn to listen to His voice and depend on the Holy Spirit to obey His will. Let us not be distracted with other things that lead us to drift away from waiting on Him in prayer.
The following months ahead are most challenging . . . we are called to be more intense and desperate in our seeking God in prayer. It is also in praying that we get our instruction to do what is next. So far we have begun to cross the Jordan . . . we have agreed to obey God in rebuilding the church so we can have a welfare center for the community. Let us pray for the next step. Remember, no one is in a hurry. In prayer, we take it one step at a time. I ask you to join us in fervent prayers so we can always find ourselves depending on God. In our corporate prayer meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays and daily morning prayer meetings, we call on God to lead us. Lead your household to pray for the welfare center and the rebuilding of God’s house.
Remember in prayer Pastor Bobby Narciso and Pastor Judy Leones for their trip to Chang Rai and Burma to visit Jethro Adang and to see what God is doing there. Let us also pray for our services today and that God will touch our hearts and lead us to a deep hunger for His word that we may know how to obey His will. Let us remember in prayer our brethren in Luzon who have been badly hit by the typhoon. Let us also find ways to extend help to them as God opens the opportunity. As we worship and celebrate communion today, let us enjoy once more a unique kind of solitude with the community of the redeemed. Here, we are reminded of Christ as our sufficiency and being broken as He was broken for us . . . a pathway of blessing to knowing Christ more. Amen

"Dear God, Let your children hunger and thirst after Your righteousness. Let Your Word refresh our soul, rebuke our nature, recreate our being and renew a steadfast spirit that longs after Thee, be glorified in our lives today oh GOD. In Jesus name, Amen!"
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