Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Friday, October 28, 2011


This past week has been “hectic” for me . . . my speaking schedule piled up. It was only by the grace of God that all went well. Normally, when this happens, I am immediately alarmed about getting into an impulsive mode again. Thank God for the ministry of the Holy Spirit that nudges me to slow down and pray. How quickly I forget what I preach. Thank God for His patience towards forgetful ministers like me. I am refreshed by what Henry Nouwen said “Sometimes we need to disengage, not only from our busy world but also from our busy spiritual disciplines, in order to gain fuel for the journey”. God’s grace is so refreshing that it leads us to Christ and not to what we do for Christ!

It is also here that I paused, and once more, enjoyed a deep drink from the well of God’s grace. Our observance of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, bible reading, fasting, solitude, are means and to an end and not the end itself. I remember the words of our Master “…come to me those who are heavily laden and I will give you rest! (Matthew 11:28). Spiritual rest in grace is accomplished when we disengage from a strict observance of “spiritual disciplines” which subtlely turns into a new form of legalism. Such detachment leads us to find strength in Christ alone!

Like Elijah, a lot of us need to do nothing so we can enjoy nourishing sleep and much needed rest. Then we can go back to the journey fueled and strong! We value prayer as Christ in the scripture values it. But when prayer becomes a badge of a superior spiritual life over others, then prayer is not God-honoring anymore. Let us remember that nothing done in force can produce a living, vibrant spiritual life. I really believe some of you really need to pray, while in grace, others should disengage from it if prayer has become our identity rather than Christ! In a nutshell, “God, your grace still amazes me”

Those of you who are led by God to join us in our prayer meetings, come and pray with us. While those of you who need to find God by detaching from legalistic spiritual disciplines, do so without guilt. Rest and be nourished by Christ Himself. No wonder the throne of prayer is called the throne of grace . . . where people can come boldly and find mercy . . . where the same grace is given for those who just want to do nothing at the throne of grace but just to enjoy rest in Christ!

Disengage from anything that substitutes Christ . . . for nothing should and can take His place in our hearts! When prayer begins to be a legalistic requirement, step back so you may rest in grace!

Yours in Christ,


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