Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Straight From My Heart
by: Rev Arnel Tan

As God leads us to communion with Him in solitude we begin to see our true spiritual condition. It is in this state that we are confronted by our great spiritual poverty; it is also here that we receive God’s invitation to feast on His word and find great rest in prayers. As we learn to relax in Christ, the more we yearn to listen to His voice and depend on the Holy Spirit to obey His will. Let us not be distracted with other things that lead us to drift away from waiting on Him in prayer.

The following months ahead are most challenging . . . we are called to be more intense and desperate in our seeking God in prayer. It is also in praying that we get our instruction to do what is next. So far we have begun to cross the Jordan . . . we have agreed to obey God in rebuilding the church so we can have a welfare center for the community. Let us pray for the next step. Remember, no one is in a hurry. In prayer, we take it one step at a time. I ask you to join us in fervent prayers so we can always find ourselves depending on God. In our corporate prayer meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays and daily morning prayer meetings, we call on God to lead us. Lead your household to pray for the welfare center and the rebuilding of God’s house.

Remember in prayer Pastor Bobby Narciso and Pastor Judy Leones for their trip to Chang Rai and Burma to visit Jethro Adang and to see what God is doing there. Let us also pray for our services today and that God will touch our hearts and lead us to a deep hunger for His word that we may know how to obey His will. Let us remember in prayer our brethren in Luzon who have been badly hit by the typhoon. Let us also find ways to extend help to them as God opens the opportunity. As we worship and celebrate communion today, let us enjoy once more a unique kind of solitude with the community of the redeemed. Here, we are reminded of Christ as our sufficiency and being broken as He was broken for us . . . a pathway of blessing to knowing Christ more. Amen

"Dear God, Let your children hunger and thirst after Your righteousness. Let Your Word refresh our soul, rebuke our nature, recreate our being and renew a steadfast spirit that longs after Thee, be glorified in our lives today oh GOD. In Jesus name, Amen!"

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