Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Straight From My Heart

I regret that I cannot be with you this Lord’s day because of my commitment to preach during the observance of Mission Sunday in which DXFE was invited to present our ministry. I am thankful that Pastor Cezil will take my place. This is also timely so I can take a little rest from my preaching duties (a delight). Let me share some highlights regarding my physical condition. I am thankful to God for He granted favorable results regarding my blood tests. My blood sugar level is ok, thank God!, but my uric level and SGPT is high. My doctor, (Dr. Dey Brato), asked me to do some diet maneuvers to keep things balanced, and I need to take daily maintenance for my blood pressure. I am thankful to the Lord for this grace, and for all of you who prayed and gave encouragement to me. Let us continue to pray for each other.

For those who are interested for water baptism, please approach any of our pastors for information . . . they will gladly assist you. Always remember that being baptized, though not a requirement for salvation, is a serious spiritual decision, therefore, it must be prayed for and not be taken lightly. It is my prayer that the Lord will guide you with His peace as you decide on this matter. If you need any guidance, again, please feel free to approach any of our ministers.

Let me also thank you for your generous hearts for your prayer and support for the flood victims of the two typhoons in Luzon. Let us also thank God for the leadership of Rev. Arsenio Chan Jr. for leading our brethren in Bulacan as they minister to about 30 families. I am confident that our labor in the Lord is not in vain. The Lord seems to lay a special burden in our hearts for the community . . . let us continue to abound in this grace. Lastly, I am praying that all of you will have a chance to be with us in our prayer meetings on Wednesdays and Fridays, 6pm. Join us as we gather together to call on the name of the Lord! Don’t forget last Sundays message regarding the lessons in the wilderness. I am confident that the Lord will remind all of us of B. A. G.

The Lord is near when we call on Him in truth!



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