Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Friday, November 18, 2011


“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; and he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.’ Psalm 34:18NLT

Brokenness is a unique work of grace that leads us to cry to the Lord! Such a distress call is not only an acknowledgement of helplessness but an evidence of a surrendered will! It is in this kind of desperation that the stubborn heart is now tender to hear God’s voice and to submit to His will. No boastings; no demands for special treatment (crumbs from the Master’s table are enough); no more embarrassment about one’s desperate situation.

Desperate prayers like these get God’s attention. No one can pray like this without a sense of grace being awakened by God in the heart. Honestly, nobody wants to be in a desperate situation where we all go through the ordeal of being helpless. Yet, it is in this kind of storm that grace is so tasty and flesh is so silent! It is only by God’s wisdom and perfect timing that He allows such moments of desperation. God knows when and God knows how. It is only when one puts his trust in God that desperate times turn to moments of refreshing grace.

Prayers are not, in the real sense, true prayers when they are not uttered in a sense of desperation. By God’s design, lessons of dependence are best learned in times of desperation. How remarkable is God’s answer to desperate prayers…He offers no one else but His Presence to be so close. Think about it what one could possibly need more when God’s Presence is so close? Everything about what God wishes to give is marvelously compounded in His very nearness! In fact, He is not only near, in the person of the Holy Spirit…He resides in us!

When the helpless and desperate call on God, they will have nothing else but God Himself! Let the word of God and the Spirit of God stir hearts and let His work of grace show more unexplored desperation inside and in so doing, knowing God deeply becomes not just a theology but a lifestyle! For the first time there is immense beauty in desperation!

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