Mission/Vision: "The work of the Ministry is to trust the LORD to change unbelieving sinners into praying believing saints."
- E. M. Bounds

Saturday, November 12, 2011


“The people of Israel served the LORD throughout the lifetime of Joshua…..”Joshua 24:31NLT

Beginnings may be impressive, it is in how we end that matters the most. The life and leadership of Joshua is a powerful model of a life and ministry that ended in grace. The entrance of Joshua into the arena of leadership was a total shock to him. Perhaps, in his mind, he was only prepared to be Moses’ assistant forever. God, again and again, assured Joshua of His abiding presence as he lead His people to the promised land. Here, an amateur leader starts his leadership and begins his journey of learning grace. It is here that Joshua learns that the lessons of grace are all about being broken before God.

God’s way and his style are totally different from ours. It is here Joshua humbly bowed down to the ways of God more than to his military wisdom. Who could forget the crossing of the Jordan; the battle of Jericho; the embarrassing defeat at Ai; and not to be forgotten, the inclusion of Rahab into the family of Israel! All of these episodes spoke of GRACE! This created a powerful impact in the life of Joshua and was obviously seen in his leadership as well. Joshua ended with a legacy of grace accorded to him by God’s people, while others just sadly faded away.

Joshua respected God’s people and gave them space to choose whom they would serve. Such exercise of grace made such a powerful impact to the nation of Israel that they served God throughout the lifetime of Joshua! This is a rare record of leadership . . . a whole nation serving the Lord! Grace made such a more powerful impact than a code of rules and legalistic monitoring of compliance. Such an impact is never achieved by effort or sacrifice . . . this is absolutely by GRACE! Ending in grace leaves an impact on the leader himself and leaves a legacy that continues to make an impact on others. A life lived in grace and a life that ends in grace leaves a timeless lesson that grace is here so that NO MAN CAN BOAST!


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